Stop the GOP

How Can You Not See A Nazi?

Tony Pretlow
Feb 26, 2024

When elections are valid only if you win.

When you spread propaganda from beginning to end.

When you champion Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orban .

How can you not see a Nazi?

When hypocrisy is rampant, but no longer alarms.

When a white Christian nation is your call to arms.

When you think bigotry and hate causes no harm.

How can you not see a Nazi?

When you support a party before your nation.

When nothing else matters more than immigration.

When other opinions bring certain condemnation.

How can you not see a Nazi?

When you wave Trump banners and Confederate flags.

When you wear MAGA hats and swastika tags.

When your white pointed hood is also a mask.

How can you not see a Nazi?



Tony Pretlow
Tony Pretlow

Written by Tony Pretlow

Dedicated reader and commenter. Occasional writer. I enjoy writing poetry and prose. Father of five. Happily married/retired. Northwestern U. Alumni.

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