A tribute to my wife.

Marriage Doesn’t Make Her a Wife

Tony Pretlow
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
Mar 5, 2022


She decides where the coffee cups go and when to use oil over butter.

She knows when the refrigerator gets cleaned or has too much clutter.

She tells you to put the seat down and when it’s time to shave.

She didn’t marry you for your looks.

And that’s not why she’s stayed.

She has a meter for when the sheets get changed and when towels have hung too long.

She wears a grim face that cuts to the chase when you’ve done her wrong.

She tells you when you’ve had enough and when it’s time for bed.

She’s the one who brings stuff up for something that you said.

Do you have questions about what to do with your life?

Bring them to me. I’ve been married three times, but

I’ve only had one wife.



Tony Pretlow
Wake. Write. Win.

Passionate. Dedicated reader and commenter. Occasional writer. I enjoy writing poems that rhyme. Father of five. Happily married/retired. Northwestern U. Alum